- Additives
- Adhesives
- Chopped strand mats
- Core materials
- Epoxy resins
- Fabrics
- Fillers
- Gelcoats
- Grinding and polishing materials
- Jesmonite ® acrylic systems
- Kompozit gépek
- Pigments
- Polyester resins
- Polyurethane resins
- Release agents
- Safety equipments
- Silicones
- Tools and auxiliary
- Vacuum bagging materials
- Vinylester resins
ZA 22 MOULD silicone (3kg+3kg)
Bicomponent (base and catalyst) addition RTV silicon rubber that vulcanizes at room temperature. Indicated for the duplication of models with small recesses. Hardness: 22 shore A. Color: blue
Main Fields of Application:
Mould-making (for its remarkable reproduction accuracy, high dimensional stability and high mechanical
strength). Please before the silicone goes in contact with polyurethane resin , please contact us.
Concrete moulding (for its remarkable reproduction accuracy, high mechanical strength).
Chemical and Physical Properties
Mixing ratio
1 : 1
Viscosity of pre-catalyzation mixture
4000 ± 300 cP
Mixing time at 23 °C
Working time at 23 °C WT
14’ – 17’
Setting time at 23 °C ST
Shore A hardness after 24 hours
21 ± 2 ShA
Breaking load
4.0 ± 0.2 N/mm2
Elongation at break
380±20 %
Tear strength
>20 ± 1 N/mm
Reproduction of details
2 micron
Dimensional vartation after 24 hours < 0.05 %
Hardness 22±2 shAProcessing time 14-17Curing time (Hours) 1 óraWeight 6.5 kg/pcs