- Additives
- Adhesives
- Chopped strand mats
- Core materials
- Epoxy resins
- Fabrics
- Fillers
- Gelcoats
- Grinding and polishing materials
- Jesmonite ® acrylic systems
- Kompozit gépek
- Pigments
- Polírozás
- Polyester resins
- Polyurethane resins
- Release agents
- Safety equipments
- Silicones
- Tools and auxiliary
- Vacuum bagging materials
- Vinylester resins
Curox M 303 peroxide in different packages
This ketone-peroxide is used as initiator in the curing of unsatureted polyester resins.
Main application: gel-coats, curing of moulded, casted or winded glass fiber reinforced products at anbient temperature.
Dosing: 1-3% to the weight of the resin.
Colourless, mobile liquid, consisting of peroxides based on methylethylketone, essentially desensitised with phtalate plasticiser. This ketone peroxide is used as an initiator (radical source) in the curing of unsaturated polyester resins. Main application: gelcoats, curing of moulded, casted or winded glasfibre reinforced products at ambient temperature in combination with cobalt accelerators.
Curing agent for all UP resin types at ambient temperature in combination with cobalt accelerators.
Standard dosage level: 1-3% as supplied, with 0.5-2% of a 1% cobalt solution.
Suitable also for gelcoats with improved osmosis resistance and lowest porosity due to low water- and hydrogenperoxide content.
"Pot life" (gel time of resin + peroxide + accelerator) relatively short, but may be prolonged by adding Inhibitors, such as tert.butyl catechol.
Moderate evolution of heat. Relatively long mould release time,moderate mould release factors.Temperatures below 20°C prolong curing times considerably, alternatively cobalt / amine accelerators should then be used.
Packaging (ml) 100 ml